Gordon R. Burgin on
Press release, photos and more
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- Press release
- Paperback front cover images in high– and low-resolution
- Paperback back cover images in high– and low-resolution
- Author bio
- Author image – click a thumbnail to download the high resolution version
Media Kit
Here is a link to the entire media kit in one ZIP file. Right-click the link and select “Save as…” to download it, then double-click the file to open it. 150+ Challenging Numeric & Logic Puzzles – Media Kit
Book Information
Title: 150+ Challenging Numeric & Logic Puzzles
Author: G R Burgin.
Publication Date: June 29th, 2016
Format: B&W Paperback 5.06 x 7.8 in. or 129 x 198 mm. Perfect bound on white w/gloss
ISBN (Paperback) 978-1-905946-50-1
Price: 4.99 GBP, 6.99 USD, 6.99 EUR
Published by Durrant Publishing (UK)
Distributed by Ingram